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For Dora at Trustpilot
26th August 2020

What's the best mattress for spinal alignment?

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Mark Ross

Is the Artisan Bespoke 004 mattress good for spinal alignment?

What advice can you give me when looking for a mattress for the best spinal alignment in bed?


Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Mark,

Thanks for your comment and good to hear fro you again in asking about the best type of mattress for spinal alignment. To quickly answer, yes our Artisan bespoke 004 is an excellent choice for spinal alignment. In fact, all of our mattresses are given their tailored pocket spring support levels based on your bodyweight!

Let's delve a bit deeper in what makes a mattress good for spinal alignment to help you sleep better.

Mattress Support is Essential

To ensure a comfortable nights sleep in bed you have to start with the mattress support. If you fail to get this right now amount of upholstery, foams or space-age covers will work.

In memory foam and hybrid mattresses, you're pretty much stuck with whatever standard reflex foam the retailer is using. Usually this os 30kg foam suitable for up to 17 stone but not so much if you're under 11 stone. It's simply too firm.

There's no way this can be customised. Which is where the problem lies with boxed foam mattresses. Solid core latex mattresses are slightly different as they are one piece of consistent density foam and can be made available using in 2 or 3 different density options (the equivalent to a spring gauge to a degree). Memory foam rarely gives you the option of changing the density of the foam based on your bodyweight.

Pocket spring mattresses, on the other hand, should be available in a number of spring gauges or pocket spring tensions. These pocket spring wire diameters (thicknesses) have been designed with weight tolerances in mind. A starter weight and ceiling weight. If you're above or below this you move down a gauge or up a gauge accordingly. If you choose the wrong pocket spring type then it will either be vastly unsupportive or far too firm both of which cause potential aches and pains.

This is why we always recommend a pocket spring mattress if you're needing specific spinal alignment. Especially if you have a bad back and struggle to get to sleep or stay asleep. Memory foam beds are simply too generic 'one size fits all' for most people that need exacting spinal support at night.

The video below explains the 3 spring tensions in more detail along with the table below.

Bodyweight Spring tension
Upto 16 Stone / 50-101kg Medium (1.4mm)
16 Stone / 101kg Upwards Firm (1.6mm)
Available in Bespoke Products (Please Call) Soft (1.2mm)

Mattress upholstery as comfort layers

The next thing you need to carefully select after mattress support are the comfort layers or upholstery choices that are they layered up on top to provide the comfort. This is also where the true 'soft, medium or firm' feel of the matters comes from. This is where people often mistake spring tensions and mattress comfort layers picking the wrong tension thinking it dictates the overall feel of the mattress.

This is entirely subjective and depends on your preference. Different fibres will offer more resistant or softness and the way in which they are layered up. Look at the table below to see examples of how the most popular mattress fibres will work.

Upholstery Layer Fibre Type How it will feel?
Polyester Synthetic Soft
White Fibre Synthetic Soft/Medium
Recycled Fibre / Eco Fibre Synthetic Medium
Memory Foam Synthetic Medium/Firm
Igel / Hybrid Foam Synthetic Medium/Firm
Polycotton Synthetic/Natural Blend Soft/Medium
Linen Synthetic/Natural Blend Medium
Wool (Pure) Natural Soft/Medium
Cotton (Pure) Natural Soft
Silk Natural Soft
Horsehair Natural Medium
Mohair Natural Medium/Firm
Hemp Natural Medium
Latex (100% Natural) Natural Medium/Firm
Coir Natural Firm
Flax Natural Firm
Coarse Cashmere Natural Firm
Bamboo Natural Super Soft
Horsetail Natural Firm
Alpaca Natural Soft
Cashmere (Pure) Natural Soft
Vicuna Natural Super Soft

It's also worthwhile considering your sleeping position. For example, a back sleeper will require slightly firmer mattress upholstery compared to a side sleeper. but this is relevant to your bodyweight as well which is why speaking to one of our experts is really useful. It is also worthwhile bearing in mind that any new mattress will take a number of weeks to get used to as fillings bed down and you get used to the change in upholstery.

Artisan Bespoke 004

The Artisan bespoke 004 uses a calico encased vanadium coated pocket spring available in either a 1.2,1.4 or 1.6 spring gauge based on your bodyweight. Each of these individual pocket springs reacts and compresses independently of the other offering unparalleled mattress support for you. The calico natural encasement is fully breathable and allows them to flex far quicker than a spunbond pocket spring or the dreaded near useless micro pocket springs.

This is a 100% Natural Fibre medium feel mattress. So if you're looking for a medium comfort layer then this would be ideal. if you're looking for a softer comfort layer then please look at the Artisan Luxury mattress. If you're wanting a firmer feel mattress then the Artisan Bespoke has firmer horsehair layers to achieve this.

All of these mattresses are two sided so they should be turned each month to help even out settlement. This is a key benefit of a pocket spring natural fibre mattress when compared to one sided memory foam mattresses.

Artisan Bespoke 004 Mattress








DEPTH: 27-30CM


If you have further questions please feel free to get back in touch on 0161 437 4419 or [email protected]


Sleep well

John & Ryan

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