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Sleep & Well Being

January 2023

Is it Better to Sleep Without a Pillow?

Sleeping without a pillow has always been a hot topic of debate among sleep experts and healthcare professionals. Some argue that sleeping without a pillow can have health benefits, while others argue that it can lead to discomfort and poor sleep quality.

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of sleeping without a pillow. We’ll also examine the potential effects it could have on your health and sleep quality, and outline steps to take if you are looking to go pillowless. Whether you’re a side sleeper, a back sleeper, or a stomach sleeper, this article should help you determine if sleeping without a pillow has any value.

Possible Benefits of Sleeping Without a Pillow

One of the main benefits that gets attributed to sleeping without a pillow is that it could help to reduce neck pain and headaches.

We’ve all had a morning when we’ve woken up with an extremely stiff and sore neck. It remains so for at least a few days, and we brush it off as “I slept on it funny”. This could be partly true… if you sleep with a pillow. When you sleep with a pillow, your head and neck are slightly elevated, which can put strain on the muscles and joints in your neck. Over time, this can lead to pain and discomfort, particularly if you are a side sleeper. Sleeping without a pillow could help to reduce this strain and alleviate neck pain, as it allows the neck to maintain a neutral position, rather than being angled by a pillow. Additionally, using a pillow that is too thick or too thin can also strain the neck, so it’s always worth trying out various pillow types to determine which is most comfortable for you even if you do use one. 

Additionally, sleeping without a pillow is sometimes said to be beneficial for people who snore or have sleep apnea, as it helps them keep their airway open. 

Sleeping on your back with a pillow elevates your head, which can cause the tongue and soft palate to collapse to the back of the throat. This can constrict the airway, and potentially lead to snoring or sleep apnea. Sleeping without a pillow might help reduce this collapse and keep the airway open, which can reduce the severity or frequency of snoring. As mentioned above, the size of the pillow also plays a part; if it is too thick, it can cause the head to be positioned at an angle that can block the airway. Therefore, it could be worth trialling pillowless sleep if you are looking to reduce the risk of these sleep disorders.

Another (less known) benefit that’s ascribed to sleeping without a pillow is that it could help to reduce wrinkles and acne.

When you sleep with a pillow, your face is pressed against it for several hours each night. However, what you may not realise is that this could cause acne to develop, as the oils and bacteria from your skin can transfer onto the pillow and then back onto your skin! Skin on the face is generally more delicate than the skin on other areas of the body. When the face is compressed against a pillow, wrinkles and fine lines can form: especially in areas that are most exposed to pressure such as the forehead, cheeks, and around the eyes. Sleeping without a pillow could help to reduce this problem. To avoid the friction of the skin against a pillow, it’s worth considering switching to silk bedding and mattress covers which prevent the skin from becoming compressed and creased during sleep.

Possible Drawbacks of Sleeping Without a Pillow

Although some argue in favour of the many possible benefits of sleeping without a pillow, it can also have some drawbacks.

One of the main arguments against sleeping without a pillow is that it can lead to discomfort and poor sleep quality

When you sleep without a pillow, your head and neck may not be supported properly, which can lead to strain and pain in the neck and around the shoulders (due to your neck muscles having to work harder to provide the support). You may find yourself waking up to a very stiff neck or even a headache, which is very much the same complaint that those in favour of sleeping without a pillow would claim that it prevents! Such lingering discomfort can make it difficult to get comfortable and fall asleep, eventually leading to poorer sleep quality. 

This leads on to another argument against sleeping without a pillow, which is that it can lead to bad posture

Sleeping without a pillow can cause your spine to be misaligned, which can lead to bad posture and back pain. This can be particularly problematic for people who already have back problems or those who tend to sleep on their side (again, mirroring a complaint that those who favour pillowless sleep may have about sleeping with one!). Pillows are designed to help keep your spine in a straight and relaxed position, reducing pressure on your back, neck and joints. Having no pillow under your head can cause your spine to fall out of alignment, resulting in an unnatural sleeping position.

To reduce neck pain, the spine must be taken into consideration as well. A neutral spine is one in which the natural spinal curves are in alignment and not being forced into an unnatural position.

Neck and back pain after sleeping

Thinking about going Pillowless?

Switching your sleeping habits can be difficult, and going pillowless would certainly be a big change to make.

Before we get into the various steps you can take to trial pillowless sleep, it is worth noting that sleeping without a pillow may not be suitable for everyone. It is especially important for people with certain medical conditions such as chronic neck pain, spinal injuries, or snoring to first consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to their sleep routine (even if someone, like an excessive snorer, might think that it would have benefits).

If you do wish to try out not using a pillow for sleeping, then consider these steps below:

  • Gradually reduce the thickness of your pillow – By gradually reducing the thickness over time, your body will slowly adjust to the change.
  • Start by sleeping on your back – This can be less stressful on your neck and spine than sleeping on your side or stomach.
  • Invest in a supportive mattress – A good mattress will reduce your dependence on a pillow. For example, something from our Origins 1500 mattress or our Artisan Natural mattress ranges would provide ample support for most troublesome backs.
  • Stretch before going to sleepSpend a few minutes stretching your neck, shoulders, and back before bed. Relaxing your muscles can prepare your body for pillowless sleep.
  • Be patient – It can take time for your body to adjust to sleeping without a pillow. Give yourself time to adjust and be patient with the process!


In conclusion, sleeping without a pillow could have both benefits and drawbacks… but we can’t help but notice that many of the same benefits are claimed for both sides of the argument! For some, it might help to reduce neck pain and headaches, wrinkles and acne, and the risk of snoring and sleep apnea. However, for others it could easily lead to discomfort and poor sleep quality, and bad posture and back pain. Sleeping without a pillow is said to favour stomach sleepers and back sleepers (although even that doesn’t seem clear cut to us), whereas a pillow provides the appropriate support for those sleeping on their side.

Ultimately, whether or not you should sleep without a pillow will depend on your individual preferences and needs. If you have any underlying health conditions, it’s always best to consult with your doctor before making any changes to your sleep routine. We’d also say that you could make many far less unorthodox and controversial changes to your sleeping habits and achieve similar benefits. For example, your sleeping position can make a big difference to your sleep experience, and your mattress is of huge importance. If you’re used to waking with back and neck pain, something like an orthopaedic mattress is not always the answer!

If you’re looking for some pointers to get a better night’s sleep, then our friendly team are only too happy to advise you, and will also be happy to guide you towards a more suitable mattress in the event that such a change would be beneficial to you.

Call us on 0161 437 4419 or send an email to info@johnryanbydesign.co.uk to find out more.


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