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For Dora at Trustpilot

Sleep & Well Being, Mattress Tips

June 2019

3 Science-Backed Reasons to Invest in a Better Bed

Getting some quality sleep isn’t an exact science, but it is hugely important for your overall health and wellbeing. At John Ryan, we take the science of sleep seriously, and we’re proud of how the science behind our pocket sprung mattresses works to give you the most comfortable and supportive sleep experience possible.

We know that there’s nothing more important than your mattress when it comes to improving your sleep time. And by investing in a quality, tailored and luxurious sleep surface, and getting at least 7 hours of shut-eye a night; you’ll reap these science-backed benefits…

Fight off sickness

Every time you manage to get your much-needed 7 hours of sleep a day on a supportive and soothingly satisfying sleep surface; like our hugely popular Origins Pocket 1500, you’re keeping your immune system fighting fit.

With quality sleep, your body gets the time it needs to properly rest and repair. Snoozing supports the proteins and cells of your immune system, so that they can better detect and destroy any foreign germ invaders. This means you’ll get fewer colds and infections, and you’ll be more likely to fight them off should they return.

Increase your metabolism

If you short change your body on sleep, you’ll make it far more difficult to control your appetite and slow your calorie burning right down, which isn’t good news if you’re trying to lose weight. Some research has found that being constantly sleep deprived changes your hormonal balance, causing you to gain weight because you feel less full.

Sleeping soundly on a regular basis will help you to better regulate how your body uses food for energy. You’ll not only increase your metabolism, you’ll be able to better control what you eat too.

Improve your concentration

Depriving yourself of sleep forces your neurons to work overtime, making it more difficult for your body and brain to function together as they should. You’ll find that your decision making, reaction times and overall attention span suffers when you haven’t slept properly.

In order to feel fully energised and alert, you need to make sure that you drift off into a soothing slumber on a mattress that truly supports your whole body. Like our best selling Artisan Naturals, which uses the finest fillings on a calico <a href=”https://johnryanbydesign.co.uk/understanding-beds/pocket-springs/” class=”” >pocket spring unit, to create the perfect medium feel. Getting enough rest means your energy levels won’t drop, your mind won’t wander and you’ll be able to stay sharp and focused throughout the day.

Science proves it; sleep is essential for our health, and helps to keep your body and mind fighting fit. However, if your mattress is stopping you from waking up feeling refreshed every morning, then a change is needed.

It’s time to re-think the way you prioritise sleep, by getting a mattress that has the perfect blend of support and comfort you deserve. Having a better bed, which is tailored to you, means you’ll no longer suffer from disrupted sleep. Instead, you’ll enjoy a soothing slumber as you settle down on a handcrafted harmonious sleep surface each night.

Sleep enhancing science that lets you lead a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle is what we’re all about – and if you’d like to learn more, please get in touch on 0161 437 4419.

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