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Mattress Tips

November 2018

Reasons Why You Need to Get Yourself a King Size Bed!

The size of your bed and mattress can really make all the difference when it comes to the quality of your sleep. Especially if you’re constantly sharing a bed, because the last thing you want is to be disturbed by your partner during the night, due to a lack of sleep space.

This is why a king size bed can be the ideal solution, as a mattress this size can offer plenty of space for you and for your partner. There should be enough room for you to sleep soundly side by side, without feeling like you’re getting on each other’s nerves if you move around slightly.

With this in mind, we wanted to go through a few key reasons why you need a king size bed…

#1 – On average, we all move around multiple times during the night, making more space essential to reduce the possibility of any disturbed sleep.

#2 – We all spend quite a bit of money investing in other areas of the home, from utensils in the kitchen, to entertainment systems in the living room. So why not invest as much on your mattress? After all, it’s the one thing in the home that you use the most everyday.

#3 – Each of us spends about a third of our lives in bed, so it stands to reason that you don’t want to regret your mattress purchase. You should want your mattress to be as comfortable, supportive, and as spacious as possible.  

Artisan Bespoke

#4 – If you think about it, investing money in moving up a Mattress size isn’t as expensive as you might think. Over a seven year period, every £100 spent on a new mattress, works out to around 3.9p per night.

#5 – A mattress should be tailored to you, to perfectly accommodate your height and weight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a lighter or heavier person, a standard size bed will never be able to provide the level of support that a king size can offer you.

#6 – We actually get a little longer while we sleep, with the average adult stretching by as much as 2 centimetres. Our spine gets slightly compressed throughout the day, and lying flat helps it to straighten out and recover. So, a little extra room from your mattress can go a long way.

#7 – Other countries prefer bigger beds too, so why shouldn’t you? Countries like Holland, Belgium, Finland, Iceland, Switzerland, and Greece are all boasting bigger average bed sizes than Britain.

#8 – You wouldn’t want to be left behind. Many people are seeking out a better quality of sleep, which is why king sized beds are becoming more and more popular. You deserve the best night sleep too, so why settle settle for second rate when it comes to your mattresses?

pocket sprung mattress

It’s a no brainer really, no matter your height, weight, sleeping position, or other personal preferences, getting yourself a bigger bed can make things better.

You deserve that luxury, satisfying and soothing sleep quality experience, from a tailored and tested mattress. At John Ryan, our team can assist you in choosing the ideal mattress, which meets all of your requirements.

Please get in touch with us for a chat today.


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