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For Dora at Trustpilot

Sleep & Well Being

January 2019

Steps to Help You Achieve Your New Year Sleep Resolutions

A new year is here and with it the inevitable “new year new you promises” of eating healthier, putting in more time at the gym or spending more time with loved ones. However, at John Ryan we always notice how one resolution always seems to be missed – getting better sleep.

Making a commitment to improving the quality and the amount of shut-eye you get can bring with it a number of benefits, which will actually help you achieve your other resolution goals. Better sleep on a high quality Luxury Mattress will not only enhance your memory, immune system and cognitive abilities, it can also help you with weight loss, fight fatigue and more.

At John Ryan, we’re dedicated to giving you a tailored advice to ensure a soothing, luxurious and satisfying night’s sleep. We also wanted to put together some simple steps to help you with your sleep resolutions once you’ve found your dream mattress.

Following these tips can help you start 2019 feeling relaxed, refreshed and ready for anything!

Sleep resolutions steps for a better quality snooze

  • Cut down on all that caffeine – because while your favourite hot beverage can certainly give you a temporary boost in the morning, it actually do more harm to your body and sleeping pattern in the long term. Consume caffeine in moderation and always avoid it in the afternoon, otherwise you’ll be restless in the evening.
  • Step away from the screens earlier – so that you reduce the amount of blue light you’re being exposed to before bedtime. This high concentration of unnatural light can seriously impact levels of melatonin, making it very disruptive to your sleep. Turn off any screens at least an hour before you head for bed. You could try yoga, read a book, or simply listen to some calming music instead. A great tip is to leave your phone downstairs or away from the bedroom. Why not go retro with an old fashioned alarm clock instead!
  • Consider a change of colour – as there are certain colour schemes when it comes to bedroom décor, which can actually have a negative effect on how well you drift off to sleep. For example, yellows or reds can often increase feelings of anxiety and stress, as opposed to blues, purples and greens, which can actually promote a feeling of relaxation and tranquility.
  • Set up a stricter sleep schedule – because your body responds so much better to a regular rhythm and routine. If you train your body to know when it’s time for some shut-eye, you’ll soon find it far easier to drift off into a more soothing and satisfying sleep. Stick to a sleep time schedule during the week and try to make sure this only changes by an hour during the weekends.

Make your mattress a priority

Like achieving any other new year’s resolution, making big changes in your behaviour can be difficult, because bad habits are often hard to break. But if you look forward to getting into bed each night because you have a high quality, supportive and comforting mattress, then you’ll make things a lot easier for yourself. Now maybe the time to evaluate whether your current mattress is really fit for purpose? We have a handy guide on where to start if you’re looking for a new mattress.

Everything in your sleeping environment is important, and there are certain bedroom essentials that can really enhance your downtime. But your bed itself is of course pivotal to achieving the most peaceful sleep you deserve. If your bed is uncomfortable or unsupportive, then these are just some of the tell tale signs that you need to a new mattress. Don’t worry you don’t need to go trawling around the busy January sales our small expert team can help you cut out all the hassle and sales drama with our free advice service.

Make your new year sleep resolutions a reality by choosing a supportive, breathable mattress that’s perfectly tailored to your bodyweight with us at John Ryan. Whether it’s our comforting and traditionally supportive Origins Pocket Latex 1500, or our temperature regulating Artisan Bespoke 003 that’s crafted using 100% Natural fibres – we can advise you every step of the way so that you won’t regret your purchase.

We want you to have the happiest new year yet, by giving you the best night’s sleep possible, every single night. So please get in touch with us for a chat today.




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