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For Dora at Trustpilot

Mattress Tips

November 2018

Don’t Get Sucked Into The Black Friday Mattress Sales!

The four-day retail frenzy that is Black Friday is here once again, and retailers would’ve been putting their plans into place all year, getting ready to separate you from your money. The same is true of mattress retailers, as you’ll soon be bombarded with various marketing ploys, and high pressure selling tactics, which are all designed to persuade you to buy a product that you don’t actually like.

Luxury mattress retailer

Seeing all those alluring sales is certainly tempting, because you want to be excited, after all buying a new mattress should be an exciting and rewarding process. However, in recent times those sales signs have become less of a bargain, and have turned into an often misleading marketing campaign. 

We have tracked inflated sales prices for years and you can see what shocking results we discovered here.

At John Ryan, we don’t do sales, because we want to make sure you always know exactly what you’re getting when it comes to purchasing a high-quality Luxury Mattress. This is why we want to help you avoid the Black Friday mattress madness, so that you get the product you actually want, need and deserve…

Sales that aren’t what they seem

Going out to grab the sales can often be a confusing, tiring, and sometimes expensive and misleading experience. Before you know it, you’re bombarded with vague product descriptions, sales jargon, and misinformed staff. When it comes to the sales themselves, unfortunately very few of them will truly be a good deal, as by and large the offers are just as artificial as the lighting on the shop floor.

black friday sale

The biggest telltale sign of a false sale is whether or not the retailer can tell you the GSM of the fillings in your mattress. If not then you have no idea what you’re actually buying! So they could be literally selling you any old mattress without any way to compare if its good value.

It’s easy to get swept up in the hype, but more often than not, there will always be a percentage of Black Friday sale items that had the same price at some other part of the year. So, it’s important not to get blinded by the colourful sale signs, half price beds, and the endless interest-free purchase options.

Did you know that interest-free credit really isnt free? We explain here.

You won’t get told the specifics

It’s also likely that the sales assistant will just want to take you on a confusing journey around the shop floor, pushing you into the Black Friday mattress deal before you really understand what it is you’re really looking for and need. After a few vague questions about which size of mattress you want, and how firm or soft you’d like it to be, you’ll be asked to try out a few recently reduced models. Then after a wave of confusing and hard to follow information is thrown at your face, you’ll be pressed for a decision, which will likely leave you regretting your mattress purchase.

Calico firm pocket springs
Which spring tension should you choose? Will a retailer even know?

Amongst the Black Friday hype, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be asked anything specific, in terms of your weight and height, your sleeping position, or what problems your current mattress is giving you. The whole process will be geared towards making you chose something quickly that will make them a sale, and will have nothing to do with them helping you choose the correct mattress that really suits you.

We guarantee there won’t be any discussion in regards to what specific spring tension your bodyweight requires. (And don’t worry if you don’t know this, as most people don’t.) This is why we pride ourselves on giving you all the information you need:

BodyweightSpring tension
Upto 16 Stone / 50-101kgMedium (1.4mm)
16 Stone / 101kg UpwardsFirm (1.6mm)
Available in Bespoke Products (Please Call)Soft (1.2mm)

Buying a new mattress without the sales spin

You can avoid getting sucked into the Black Friday mattress sales machine, by having a sound strategy in place. Keep in mind that if you do your research and find all the necessary information you need to make an informed decision, then you won’t actually need to physically try out a mattress. Because a few seconds of lying on a bed in a store won’t really tell you how supportive and comforting it can be, and you won’t know anything about what goes into your mattress.  

Our friendly experts will always be on hand to help you get the information and honest advice you need, from how to compare mattresses to the complete construction method of a mattress – without any spin.

Remember to never take anyone else’s word for it though, and always trust your own instincts. If you’re unhappy with anything or you don’t quite understand a certain piece of information you’ve been given, then always ask for more clarity.

We offer satisfaction over sales

At John Ryan, we steer clear of sales, because we offer each of our mattresses at a price that represents the sheer quality of the materials and craftsmanship used to make them. We don’t believe in misleading sales tactics, or interest-free ploys. Instead we always want to find you a mattress that meets all of your requirements, without the RRP that never was, or the false limited edition promises.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t offer discounts, as our Luxury Outlet allows you to buy returned mattresses with real discounts, without the gimmicks. Plus, all of our mattresses come with a 60 days love it or return it guarantee to make sure you’re totally satisfied.

Give us a call today on 0161 437 4419 for more information, or if you have any questions. We’re here to ensure you buy a new mattress with complete confidence.

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