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For Dora at Trustpilot
4th September 2020

Savoir No 4 mattress reviewed against the Hastens Marquis and Vi Spring Bedstead Superb

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Dear John Ryan Design,

I know the Savoir Beds is quite well known for their no 1,2 but not sure if the Savoir no 4 mattress (no toppers and divan) is worthy to consider compared with the entry model: Hastens Marquis and Vi Spring Bedstead Superb with no divan?

Do you think the no 4. Savoir cut corners since there is no horse hair inside the mattress and is better to consider a Vispring mattress instead?

Lee Answered 11 months ago

Hi Anita,

Thanks for your comment on Savoir mattresses compared to other mattress models. You really are looking at the best of the best here. Savoir make some incredible mattresses!

Let's have a closer look at the Savoir mattress first before trying to compare to other models.

If you've read our other detailed guides on the site you'll already know that to accurately compare mattress models you need to know 3 things:

Savoir No 4 Mattress Reviewed:

Make no mistake, Savoir make incredible mattresses. The No 4 Savoir takes on average 30 hours to make by hand. It's this attention to detail that you're paying for along with some true craftsmanship. It's still classed as their entry-level mattress though.

Image from: savoirbeds.com

The Savoir No4 is a pocket sprung and natural fibre mattress. Sadly Savoir doesn't disclose the GSM, but having seen their model's first hand the quantities are significant, the same with Hastens. There are no corners cut with any of these mattresses. The price also reflects this along with their exquisite touches.

The mattress is described as follows on Savoir's website. "Pocket springs encased in natural calico are sandwiched between layers of curled tail hair, needled cotton and lambs wool. Every contour of your body is naturally cushioned, keeping your spine correctly aligned and supported whilst you sleep"

It costs £4750 for the mattress alone in a kingsize.

Listed Product Specifics of Savoir No4:

  • Hand-tied, 7.5-turn pocket springs
  • Curled tail hair with layers of needled cotton and lambs wool
  • Taped edge and hand side stitching
  • Brass vents
  • Flag stitched handles
  • 100% cotton trademark Trellis ticking in grey
  • Mattress depth 24cm

Given the wool top layer is a softer feel mattress and uses 'curled tail hair' for some rebound before the pocket spring unit. I don't think Savoir is cutting corners using probably cattle tail hair over horse tail hair. It's how they are getting this mattress in at such as reasonable (for Savoirs prices) budget. If it's cattle hair then it's significantly cheaper than horsetail or pure white horsetail.

This model comes in 3 spring tensions depending on your bodyweight, like our Artisan mattress range. Spring tensions should always be chosen based on your weight and not confused with the comfort feel of the mattress. This is where most mattress retailers misadvise!

It's a shame Savoir doesn't disclose the number of springs to also help you compare. Overall this is a softer feel mattress that is both well made and fully breathable.

Hastens Marquis Mattress Reviewed:

Let's take a look at the Hastens Marquis now for comparison. This is Hastens entry level frame bed mattress. What this means is that the majority of the natural fibres and springs are inbuilt into the base and then there's a thinner removable topper that can be turned and rotated. The base, however, is one-sided. Which may lead to some issues around settlement and compression over time.

Like we said, this is their entry level mattress retailing at around £4,000 for a kingsize.

Their base features a dual spring system like our Artisan Bespoke 002 mattress. Meaning its really progressive.

Hastens Marquis Product Details:

Hastens do give more detail than most about what's inside their mattresses which is great. However, there's still no GSM given of these layers. The top mattress is a medium feel given the supportive properties of the horsehair and then interlaying of cotton and wool. Meaning it's firmer than the Savoir No4.

Image from Hastens.com

1. Upholstery (100% cotton)
2. Cotton/wool
3. Genuine horsehair
4. Cotton/wool
5. Genuine horsehair
6. Cotton/wool
7. Upholstery (100% cotton)

FRAME BED (In place of a Divan)
8. Upholstery (100% cotton)
9. Cotton/wool
10. Genuine horsehair
11. Cotton/wool
12. Patented spring system 13 cm high with firmer edge springs and flax corner padding
13. Flax
14. Hästens Deltabonell system, 6.7 cm high
15. Flax
16. 9.2 cm high, reinforced wood frame of solid pine. Cotton lining that prevents dust from entering the bed from below and makes the underside of the bed easy to vacuum

They too offer bodyweight specific spring tensions.

Vispring Bedstead Superb Matttes Reviewed:

Vispring are a great UK based manufacturer who do (in certain models) reveal the GSM and spring detailing. Luckily the Bedstead Superb is one of them! It's a medium feel two-sided mattress without a base and is 100% natural fibre. It also contained a dual spring system like our Artisan Bespoke 002, Artisan Bespoke 003 and Artisan Sublime mattress models.

Image from andsotobed.co.uk

Vispring Bedstead Product Details:

From the spring unit upwards.

  • 2,112 luxury pocket springs in 5’0 (150cm), 1.42mm Vanadium steel springs, 61mm in diameter, individual sewn calico pockets, hand formed into a honeycomb nested unit.
  • Upholstered with a wool spring protector pad
  • 1000gsm bonded British fleece wool and cotton
  • 1200gsm long-stranded horsehair blended together with wool, enclosed in a hair-proof cambric cover
  • 900gsm blended British fleece wool and cotton
  • Hand tufted with felt washers, covered with satin ivory Belgian ticking (mattress cover)

So the total GSM of the Vispring Bedstead Superb is 3100. Which is quite low given its price point of nearly £6,000 for a kingsize. It uses the same spring unit that we use in our Artisan range and is a dual layer, given the fact the pocket spring count is over 2000. The maximum in a single layer of pocket springs is 2000, before dual layers or micro springs are used. Luckily none of these models or our own mattresses use the dreaded micro springs.

What compares to the models above?

If you're looking for a comparison to the models above in terms of feel and build quality then please have a look at our Artisan Bespoke 003 mattress. A medium feel 100% natural hand crafted mattress. Featuring a dual layer of vanadium coated calico encased pocket springs in a variety of tensions. It takes over 21 days to hand make this model here by us in the UK. This is a medium feel mattress with a huge 5600GSM of 100% Natural fibre breathable cool fibres. Including Alpaca, Horsetail, Bamboo and Wool.

Artisan Bespoke 003










DEPTH: 27-30CM



We hope this review of the mattresses you've mentioned is helpful. If you want to know more about the very best mattresses from the UK based on your price point. Here are some additional mattress guides to help.

  1. What to expect from a £500 Mattress
  2. What to expect from a £750 Mattress
  3. What to expect from a £1000 Mattress
  4. What to expect from a £1250 Mattress
  5. What to expect from a £1500 Mattress

If you need any more assistance please get back in touch on [email protected] or 0161 437 4419.

Sleep well
John & Ryan

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