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February 2023

How to Get Sick Out of Your Mattress

Cleaning vomit up from a mattress isn’t a nice thing to think about, but it’s an essential thing to be aware of because - let’s be honest - most of us will need to know at some point in our lives!

When it comes to tackling a tricky stain like this, our first piece of advice is always to make use of a mattress protector in the first place. It’s much easier to clean a protector than it is to clean a mattress, so we really can’t emphasise just how important one is. However, if you’ve been caught out and are wondering if your mattress will ever be sanitary again, then don’t despair, as the situation can be salvaged.

A vomit stain on a mattress

How to Clean Sick Off a Mattress

Cleaning sick off a mattress certainly isn’t fun, but if you act quickly it can be managed quite effectively. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove both the substance/stain, and also the lingering odour. With that in mind, we’d recommend tackling any vomit that gets onto your mattress in the following way:

  1. Put on some disposable gloves to protect your skin from any germs.
  2. Scrape off any solids or semi-solids from your mattress and bin them in a tied plastic bag. You’ll want to use something disposable like a paper towel or a paper plate, or something that can be easily sterilised like a plastic spatula or a dustpan.
  3. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to soak up as much of the liquid as possible. If you use a cloth, then you may want to consider using an unwanted rag so you can throw it out when you’re done. Do not rub the stain! This will just spread the affected area even further afield, and may even drive the substance deeper into your mattress fibres.
  4. Pour a cleaning solution of equal parts water and white vinegar into a spray bottle (you could also add a teaspoon of liquid dish soap). Apply it to the entire affected area, making sure to thoroughly dampen it. You never want to saturate a mattress, which is why we advise using a spray.
  5. Leave the cleaning solution to sit for 5-10 minutes, before then using a clean dry cloth to soak up as much of the liquid as you can (again, don’t rub, but just apply a “blotting” motion to the affected area).
  6. Sprinkle baking soda upon the affected area. Don’t be hesitant, but instead apply a generous covering. Baking soda is great for absorbing any remaining moisture or eliminating persistent odours. If you’re out of baking soda, then you could substitute it with cornstarch, although it doesn’t have the same deodorising properties.
  7. Leave the mattress for at least 30 minutes to allow the baking soda to take effect. The longer you leave it, the more effective it will be. Even leaving it overnight isn’t too long! Ideally, you want the soda to feel completely dry before removing it.
  8. Vacuum the mattress with a clean upholstery attachment. This will remove any residual baking soda, and also any dirt or debris that may still be clinging to your mattress. Remember to empty your vacuum and wash the canister afterwards. If you don’t have a vacuum, sweeping your mattress down will do.
  9. Make sure your mattress is completely dry before you put any bedding back on it. Don’t be tempted to use a direct heat source! Even something like a hairdryer can warp or damage a mattress’s fibres. Instead, just let it air dry by opening the windows or making use of a fan.
  10. Apply a little rubbing alcohol (or even unscented hand sanitiser) to the cleaned area. Germs can be left behind after someone vomits, so this step will serve as a last safeguard. If you carry out this step, keep in mind that you’ll have to let the mattress dry again before you make use of it.

Don’t forget to wash any affected bedding on the highest available temperature setting too, as that will make sure to kill any germs or other contaminants.

How To Deal With Vomit That’s Soaked Into Your Mattress

If you’re not quick enough to catch a sickness episode before vomit soaks into the mattress in question, then we recommend that you clean things up in much the same way:

  1. Put on some disposable gloves and remove any solids/semi-solids.
  2. Blot up as much liquid as possible with a clean cloth/paper towel.
  3. Spray on the solution of water and white vinegar and leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the liquid with a clean cloth/paper towel, being careful not to rub.
  5. Apply a commercial enzymatic cleaner that’s been developed to remove protein-based stains. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it to the affected area. Many such instructions will recommend leaving the cleaner on the stained area for at least 30 minutes, but take care to check how to get the most out of your chosen cleaner.
  6. Blot up as much liquid as possible with a clean cloth/paper towel.
  7. Apply baking soda to the affected area and leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  8. Vacuum the mattress using a clean upholstery attachment and let it air dry.

A white vinegar solution being applied to a mattress

How to Remove An Old Vomit Stain From Your Mattress

As we’ve said, the ideal way to tackle a vomit stain on your mattress is to act as quickly as possible. However, sometimes you may find yourself faced with an old vomit stain. If that’s the case then don’t panic, as a similar process will still apply:

  1. Spray a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar on the affected area.
  2. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes, before blotting it up with a clean cloth/paper towel.
  3. Apply a stain remover that’s specifically designed for protein-based stains like vomit. This is the single biggest difference when you’re dealing with an old stain. Be sure to follow all the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging your mattress even more.
  4. Blot the area again with a clean, damp cloth to remove the stain remover.
  5. Apply baking soda to the affected area and leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Vacuum the mattress using a clean upholstery attachment and let it air dry.

You may need to repeat this process multiple times to tackle an old vomit stain, as the substance will doubtless have sunk deep into the fibres of your mattress. If you’re still having no joy after doing so, then you may have to consider using a steam cleaner, or consulting a professional cleaner.

How to Get The Smell of Sick Out of Your Mattress

Sometimes, it’s the smell of sick that can prove to be hard to get rid of, even after you’ve given your mattress a thorough clean. The process for getting rid of the smell of sick from your mattress is much the same as the above process for cleaning it off in the first place. You’ll want to use the same solution of water and white vinegar, and also plenty of baking soda. As we intimated above, the key to getting the most out of the baking soda is leaving it for a long time, so we really do encourage you to leave it overnight before cleaning it off if you’re dealing with a particularly stubborn odour. You may also have to repeat the cleaning process to banish the last unwelcome smells too. If the odour persists beyond repeated cleans, it may be necessary to consult a professional cleaner or replace your mattress altogether.

How to Get Vomit Smell Out of Your Memory Foam Mattress

We sometimes get asked about the specifics of memory foam, so we wanted to take a moment to reassure you that you don’t have to do anything different if you’re trying to clean or get the smell of sick out of a memory foam mattress. The above process will still serve you well, although acting quickly is perhaps even more vital. The only thing to keep in mind is to be a little less generous with the solution of water and vinegar, as memory foam mattresses can take a long time to dry out – or even become irreparably damaged – when they absorb too much moisture. They’ll respond even less well to harsh cleaning chemicals than a sprung mattress too, so consider consulting a professional cleaner or contacting the manufacturer if you’re at all unsure about how to tackle a memory foam mattress mishap.

Dealing With Dog or Cat Vomit on Mattresses

Just by way of an extra note, if the vomit on your mattress came about as a result of your furry friend feeling unwell then we’d recommend investing in a specific cleaning product (available at most supermarkets) that’s made to clean up after animals. You can use it straight after you’ve removed any solids/semi-solids, and then continue with the same procedure we’ve outlined above.


With the right approach, you can usually clean up effectively enough after getting sick on your mattress, but sometimes (if your mattress is particularly old or damaged) it may well be time to call it quits and invest in a new mattress. If you’ve reached that stage, then the important thing is to buy a mattress that’s right for you, and the team at John Ryan are happy to assist you. You can find a range of tips in articles like…

You can also call us on 0161 437 4419 to receive friendly advice – either related to cleaning a mattress, or choosing a new one – that’s tailored to your specific situation, or send us an email on [email protected] to learn more.

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